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The FIRE Carrier Program promotes reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Victorian Schools. FIRE stands for Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education. FIRE Carrier leaders are required to develop a Reconciliation Covenant and are committed to promoting Reconciliation within and outside their school.

Our Cluster Commitment

The Family School Partnerships Bunurong Cluster of schools acknowledges that our schools are located on the sacred land of the Bunurong  people of the Kulin Nation.  

We recognise the special place and culture of Aboriginal peoples within Australia. We acknowledge that Aboriginal peoples have been the caretakers of this land for more than 60,000 years. We respect their spiritual connection to Mother Earth through the Dreaming. We understand that practical measures need to address the disadvantage experienced by Aboriginal people in education, health, employment, and general opportunity.

As a community of schools, we will continually strive for Reconciliation of our nation through the lens of the three core values of the FIRE Carrier program; Spirituality, Practical Reconciliation and Justice, and Cultural Recognition and Awareness.  

We will strive to ignite a deeper awareness, respect and understanding of our First Nations People. We will do this by educating our school community and broader community in our shared Aboriginal history, present issues and significant dates, and future hopes.  

We hold a shared commitment to:

  • Maintaining the FIRE Carrier program as a cluster and as individual schools  
  • Sharing our relevant “Dillybag” resources 
  • Ensuring the motto ‘Once a Fire Carrier, Always a FIRE Carrier’ is honoured by encouraging FIRE Carrier students to continue their role when transitioning to another FSP BS cluster school  
  • Upholding the FIRE Carrier core values of Spirituality, Cultural Recognition and Awareness, and Cultural Reconciliation and Justice through our actions. 

We acknowledge the Bunurong people of the Kulin Nation, the traditional custodians of the ancestral land around Nairm which we gather and learn on today. We pay our respects to all Elders past and present. We acknowledge and strive for a deeper awareness, respect and understanding of First Nations Peoples in our communities. We are inspired by their wisdom, spirituality, living culture, strengths and stories. We are committed at John Paul College to actively walking together for reconciliation and justice.

John Paul College
Acknowledgment of Country

FIRE Carrier Core Values

Core value - Spirituality

Learning Aboriginal spirituality and how it aligns with Catholic identity; Being familiar with and using materials in liturgy, learn and understand rituals and meanings, engage in cultural emersion; Teach and learn the true Aboriginal story and incorporate Aboriginal perspectives in curriculum; Use the message stick during reading of the Word and school masses, use the fire liturgy, para-liturgy, Acknowledgement of Country, create an Australian identity during the time of advent.

Campfire - This symbol in Aboriginal painting means campfire.  The campfire is where people meet and stories are told. In the FIRE Carrier program we will use the campfire symbol to represent the core value of Spirituality. We invite you to educate yourself and others around you on Aboriginal spirituality.

Core value - Cultural Recognition & Awareness

Recognising cultural perspectives and demonstrating awareness through things such as; Flying the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags; Equipping Libraries with an Aboriginal section available to all students; Making strong relationships with local Elders and inviting local Elders to Welcome visitors to Country at significant events; Supporting ACM initiatives.  

Message Stick - This symbol represents the Message Stick. The Message Stick is a wooden stick that is passed between clans and language groups to transmit messages, invitations and information. In the FIRE Carrier program we use the Message Stick to signify Cultural Recognition and Awareness.  

Core value - Practical Reconciliation & Justice

Realising Practical Reconciliation & Justice through various opportunities such as; Ensuring your school is involved in activities within the Aboriginal community;  Participating in Reconciliation week activities; Partnering OTDF through fundraising; Building right relationships with Aboriginal people through celebration days, hosting traveling exhibitions, being socially just & aware

Journey or Path

This symbol represents journey in Aboriginal painting. It has been chosen to represent the journey towards Reconciliation for Aboriginal peoples. We invite you as part of the FIRE Carrier program to join us on this journey. 
